QRL Financial Services Newsletter: Promising Changes on the Horizon

QRL Financial Services is excited to share some promising news regarding potential changes in the Federal Reserve's policies that could positively influence your financial outlook.

Anticipated Federal Reserve Rate Cuts

There is speculation that the Federal Reserve might reduce interest rates in September and potentially again in December. While this remains, the market has already reacted, and there is downward pressure on rates.   Several key indicators suggest more changes are on the horizon. With employment cooling and the inflation rate nearing the Fed's desired 2% level, these factors indicate a possible reduction in interest rates.

What This Means for You

  • Immediate Benefits: There has been an impact on rate already. If the Fed makes a rate cut in September, expect an additional impact on short-term rates, such as those for credit cards and Home Equity Lines of Credit.
  • Mortgage Opportunities: Mortgage rates have already begun to factor in the speculation of these cuts, making it an excellent time to purchase a home. Future rate cuts could further improve the market, leading to more favorable mortgage rates.

Strategic Planning for Home Buyers and Homeowners

Given this anticipatory reaction, now is the ideal time to put together a plan for your members, whether they are looking to purchase a new home or refinance an existing mortgage.

  • For Home Buyers: If they are waiting because current rates seem high compared to a low 3% rate, reach out and discuss what rate and payment would make a move worthwhile. Being prepared means they will be ready to make a competitive offer when rates improve.
  • For Homeowners with Higher Rates or ARMs: If their mortgage rate is above 6% or is an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), it's crucial to have a plan in place to refinance when the market hits a target rate.

Get Ahead with a Plan

Having a plan will put you ahead of the competition and ensure a smoother process for your members when it's time to act. QRL Financial Services specializes in providing one-stop, comprehensive, and cost-effective residential mortgage services for financial institutions. Our goal is to fill in the gaps where you may need assistance, offering:

  • Comprehensive Support: Whether you need help with the entire mortgage process or just certain aspects, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.
  • Dedicated Loan Coordinator: Benefit from personalized attention with a dedicated loan coordinator who will manage your loan from start to finish.
  • Expand your lending area in all 50 states with a menu of loan products, which include FHA, VA, USDA and 97% LTV affordable agency products, so that you can say yes to every borrower request.

We would love to discuss how QRL Financial Services can support your institution's mortgage needs. Click below to contact us and schedule a convenient time for a consultation.



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